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Overview of the most used "Cookies"

Marketing "Cookies"

Marketing "Cookies" are used to monitor customer behavior on the site. Their goal is to provide relevant and useful advertising for each individual user, making them beneficial to all.

Publisher / Cookie NameTypeValidity
Google AdWordsremarketingmax 540 days
Google Analyticsremarketingmax 540 days
Sklikremarketingmax 540 days
Facebook pixelremarketingmax 180 days

Analytical / Statistical "Cookies"

Statistical "Cookies" help website owners understand how users behave on their sites by collecting and reporting anonymous data about their visits, behavior and orders.

Publisher / Cookie NameTypeValidity
Google Analyticsanalyticscan differ
Yandex Metricaanalyticscan differ
AWstatsanalyticscan differ
Google AdWordsconversionpresistant

Technical / necessary "Cookies"

Necessary "Cookies" are indispensable for the functionality of the website and ensure its functioning, for example, when navigating and accessing user sections. This site cannot function properly if cookies are not enabled.

Publisher / Cookie NameTypeValidity
ASP.NET_SessionIdtechnicalcan differ
ASPXAUTHtechnicalcan differ
external_login_service_resulttechnicalcan differ
UserLanguagetechnicalcan differ
poll_technicalcan differ
shop_cart_identity_technicalcan differ
oauth_redirect_urltechnicalcan differ
__em_EasyMarketShopOrdersManager_OrderLasttechnicalcan differ
ID + "_sort"technicalsession
ID + "_view"technicalsession
dataView_list_view_typetechnicalcan differ
SortVariantPropertyNametechnicalcan differ
_filters_scrollTop_technicalcan differ
ShopCatalog.View.setParamtechnicalcan differ
Why to choose us? 
CLEVERTEX development
We do not get behind. We are working on new research projects. Thanks to high know-how we are able to create unique textile materials.
Functional textile materials require high quality manufacture. We apply well proved manufacturing process, certification and practical verification tests.
CLEVERTEX solution
Our will to anticipate new requirements is an important aspect of our work. We are ready to be the partner for unconventional and interesting textile solutions.